As per the website of HDFC Bank, the bank has come up with two special edition fixed deposi. It will be available for a limited period according to the lender's website. HDFC Bank has launched two special fixed deposits offering higher interest rates. HDFC Bank Launches Special FDs With Higher Interest Rate For Limited Period It is important to note that the rates are automatically calculated for resident deposits of < 1cr. One needs to continuously update themselves of the interest rates before booking a deposit. The rates offered by the bank will vary from time to time. It is a simple tool to use wherein the type of fixed deposit, deposit term and principal amount of investment needs to be filled in. The calculator shows maturity amount and the interest earned when you book a Fixed Deposit.
HDFC Bank has created Fixed Deposit calculator which helps in finding out your earnings through a Fixed Deposit. Recurring Deposit Rates (Resident and NRE customers) Non-withdrawable Domestic/NRE/NRO Term Deposits Interest Rates for amounts greater than or equal to Rs. Domestic/NRE/NRO Term Deposits Interest Rates for Amounts greater than or equal to Rs.